Note: this article is for organizations with commercial chargers only - if you have purchased residential chargers, your ZEFNET license holder will take it from here. Otherwise, read on!
Onboarding Checklist:
Basic Setup (required for all cases)
- Create a ZEFNET account for your organization
- Add users and/or chargers to your ZEFNET account
- Allocate your Level 2 chargers within ZEFNET
Additional Setup (required in some cases)
- Setting up basic pricing/ZEF labels (for payment)
- Onboarding DC Fast Chargers (as needed)
- Create a ZEF Support Account (optional)
- ZEFNET Charge Mobile App (for drivers)
Advanced Setup (please contact your Account Manager for these steps):
- Time of Use Billing
- Complex Pricing
- Load Controls
- Software Integrations for Billing/Metering Data
Helpful terms:
There are three separate accounts that can be affiliated with ZEF:
ZEFNET Account - utility.zefenergy.com - ZEFNET is a desktop application that you can use to adjust various settings on your chargers, as well as view information about charging sessions. To need to create an account for your organization, and add user accounts to be able to access ZEFNET.
ZEFNET Charge - (found on your mobile app store) - this is a mobile application that allows users to initiate and pay for charging sessions on any charger with a ZEFNET Charge sticker.
ZEF Support - https://support.zefenergy.com - this account will allow you to communicate with ZEF's support staff directly regarding the onboarding process, support, and any other issues or questions you may have, by submitting tickets, filling out forms, or viewing help articles.
Note - you do not need to create an account to use this feature - simply writing to support@zefenergy.com will also allow you to communicate with support.
Onboarding Checklist:
1. Create a ZEFNET Account for your Organization
This section is for organizations that have purchased commercial ZEFNET chargers, who do not yet have a ZEFNET account.
- Open the form ‘Create New ZEFNET account’ on the ZEF Support Portal.
- Fill out the form. If you have any questions about this, contact your Account Manager or Support (support@zefenergy.com). Do not forget to add yourself as a ‘User’ (even if you listed yourself as the primary contact email), as this will allow you to log in to ZEFNET.
- Click ‘Submit’ when the form is complete. ZEF Support will send you a confirmation email once your account has been set up.
2. Add Users/Chargers to your ZEFNET Account
If you’ve already submitted information about the users/chargers you’d like to see in ZEFNET, then you’re all set!
- Open the form ‘Add New Users/Chargers to an existing ZEFNET account’
- Fill out the form. If you are unable to find your L2 serial number, please use this article. If you have any questions about this, please view the video above, or contact support@zefenergy.com.
- Click ‘Submit’ when you’ve completed the form. ZEF Support will send you a confirmation email once these users or chargers have been added.
- Once users have completed their account setup, they can log in to the organization's ZEFNET account by visiting utility.zefnergy.com.
3. Set up (allocate) your L2 Chargers within ZEFNET
If you do not yet see any chargers in your 'Unallocated Devices' list, please return to Step 3 to request that chargers be added to your account.
- Navigate to utility.zefenergy.com, and log in to ZEFNET.
- Click ‘Devices’ at the top of the list on the left side of the page.
- Note that there are two tabs on the main section of this page: ‘allocated’ and ‘unallocated’. Click the ‘Unallocated’ tab to view a list of unallocated chargers. If you do not see the expected charger in either of these lists, please complete Step 2 in this checklist. If you have already done this, please email support@zefenergy.com.
- Locate the serial number of the charger you’d like to set up, and click the ‘Allocate’ button on the far right side. (Please see our article on locating your charger’s serial number, if needed).
- You’ll now encounter 5 tabs you’ll need to (at least partially) fill in to allocate this charger. We’ll provide a brief overview of each of these tabs:
DEVICE - On this page, please enter the following:
- Name: If you’d like, give this charger a name that would be easily recognizable by members of your organization and/or drivers, if relevant. (e.g. - Dodo Valley Parking Lot #2).
- Timezone: Enter the local timezone for that charger (e.g. - Central Time)
- Installation Date: Enter the date the charger was installed
PORT - Fill this section out if you already have a ZEFNET Charge Sticker for this charger - otherwise, click 'Next' to move to the next tab. If you do not have a sticker but wish to collect payment from drivers on this charger, you'll need to complete this step once you receive your payment stickers (see optional step 'Setting Up Pricing').
- Port identification: This will be the ID number on your payment sticker
- Sticker Owner: Select the charging network to which the sticker belongs
- Partner Access: Check the left and middle boxes next to any organizations you’d like to host your charger.
- You may also fill in any other pricing information you’re currently aware of (rates, fees, etc.)
HOST - Please enter information pertaining to the Site/Site Host here.
- Click the + sign to add new site information, if the site has not been entered previously. Then enter contact information for the site host, as well as the site address.
BREAKER - This section allows you to inform ZEFNET about any chargers that may be sharing a breaker.
- Name: provide a name for the breaker this charger sits on (e.g. ‘Breaker 1’ or ‘Breaker A’. If this charger sits on a breaker that has already been created in your account, you should be able to select it.
- Breaker Limit: enter the limit (in Amps) of the breaker this charger sits on
- Description (optional): enter any other information about the breaker
UTILITY - Please enter information pertaining to the utility powering this charger here.
- Click the + sign to add new utility information, if the utility has not been entered previously. Then enter contact information for the utility, as well as the utility’s address.
Additional Steps:
- Set up pricing/stickers (for payment)
If you already have stickers applied to your chargers, or if you plan to have your charger be free to use, you may skip this step.
- Navigate to https://support.zefenergy.com
- Click ‘Submit a request’ in the top right corner
- Choose the form ‘Order Charger Sticker IDs’
- Fill out the form, being sure to include the contact/address to where stickers should be sent. Note that each DCFC requires only (1) label, while L2 chargers require (1) label per plug.
- Once the labels are received, please apply them to the front of your charger (guidance for this can be found in our support articles).
- Once a charger’s label is applied, it needs to be entered into ZEFNET to make the final connection. Please send an email to support@zefenergy.com with the subject ‘[Account Name] - Charger IDs’, and include in the text of the email a list of the serial numbers of your chargers with their Sticker IDs.
E.g.: Charger HC1C123455667 - Sticker ID 123456
Charger HC1C222222222 - Sticker ID 654321
*Note - you can also complete this step yourself by locating your charger under ‘devices’ in ZEFNET, click ‘...’ on the right side of the screen, click the ‘edit’ option at the top of the screen, and then forward to the ‘Port’ screen. Then, enter the Sticker ID in the ‘Port Identification’ field, as well as the ‘Sticker Owner’ and ‘Partner Access’ boxes, as described in Step 4e. (ii).
- Set up Bill.com to get paid each month
1. Navigate to https://app.bill.com/neo/onboarding/signup and fill in the required information to create a free account (this will allow you to be paid by ZEF each month).
2. Once you've completed setup, please send the following information in an email to support@zefenergy.com:
- Payment Network ID (you should be able to find this within your account after setup)
- A W9 for your organization
- Email address for the contact in your organization who should receive monthly payment/charging summary reports.
3. Once this is submitted, you can expect to receive monthly payments and reports by the end of the following month (e.g. the report and payments for January would be received by the end of February).
- Preparing DCFCs
- Open the form ‘DC Fast Charger Onboarding’ on our Support Portal
- Fill out the form. If your charger has not yet been installed or powered on, our support staff will request you alert support@zefenergy.com when this has taken place. At that point, our service tech will be deployed for commissioning, after which your charger will be ready to use.
- If you haven’t already ordered/applied a charger sticker ID for your DCFC, please repeat step 5.
Create a ZEF Support Account
- Navigate to https://support.zefenergy.com/hc/en-us
- Click ‘Sign in’ in the top right corner, and select ‘Sign up’
- Follow this process to create a login and password for ZEF Support.
- Please keep a record of your login information, labeled ‘ZEF Support login’ for future use.
- ZEFNET Charge
If you have ordered and applied ZEFNET Sticker IDs to your chargers, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with ZEFNET Charge, our mobile application that allows drivers to initiate and pay for charging sessions. To get started with ZEFNET charge, complete the following:
- Navigate to the app store on your mobile device, then search for and download the app ‘ZEFNET Charge’
- You will be directed to enter an email address and password to create your account (note that both are caps-sensitive). You may want to keep a record of this information, labeled ‘ZEF App login’.
- Once you log in, you’ll see a map where all chargers with ZEFNET stickers are displayed. Note that you may also find a charger using the sticker ID or by scanning a QR code. If you do not see a charger as expected, please either email support@zefenergy.com with the serial number and sticker ID for the charger in question, or view the ‘device details’ for your charger in ZEFNET - then click ‘edit’ and make sure that the Sticker ID, Sticker Owner, and Partner Access are all set up correctly for that charger as described in step 4.e.ii.
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