To set up a ZEFNET Pro charger in your ZEFNET portal, you'll need the following information:
- Access to ZEFNET
- Left Plug Serial (provided by
- Right Plug Serial (provided by
- QR Code ID (provided by
- Site Name/Address/Main Contact Email
- Is the charger installed on one or two breakers (your installer should be able to confirm)
Then, follow the process below for each plug:
1. Allocation
To allocate your ZEFNETPro plugs, log into ZEFNET at
Visit the 'DEVICES' module, and select the 'Unallocated' devices tab. You should see a list of devices that includes your ZEFNETPros plug serials (if you do not see them, contact Use the filter to locate your device's plug, then click the button on the far right hand side to allocate the device:
This will take you to a 5-page menu. Fill out each page accordingly:
1. Device
Name: Provide a charger name, being sure to note whether it is the (Left Plug) or (Right Plug).
Fill in all other information as noted.
2. Port
Port identification: Enter the QR Code ID supplied for this charger (both Left and Right Plugs should have the same QR Code ID.
Sticker Owner: ZEF
3. Host
If you haven't yet created a Site for this charger's location, click the (+) sign to do so. You'll need to provide a site name, contact email, and address. Select the site when completed.
4. Breaker
Enter a breaker name (we recommend something simple that ties it to the charger), and amperage (normally, this matches the model of the charger, e.g. a ZNP40 would be installed on a 40A breaker(s).
If your charger is installed on two breakers, complete this process for both plugs.
If your charger is installed on a single breaker, select 'Existing Breaker' and then select the shared breaker.
5. Utility
This field is optional - you may enter your utility provider's information if desired.
SAVE and repeat for each remaining plug.
2. Configuration
For each plug, complete the following steps (if you will not require drivers to authorize their session with an app or credit card, you may skip this section):
1. Locate the plug in your ZEFNET 'devices' page and double click to be taken to the device detail page.
2. Click the configure (gear) icon at the top of the screen.
3. Under 'Authorization Mode', select 'User Authorization'.
4. Select each of the authorization methods you'd like drivers to use to access your charger:
APP = charging can be initiated via mobile app
RFID = charging can be initiated via RFID card (can be purchased from ZEF)
CCR = charging can be initiated via credit card reader
5. If you'd like, you may configure the charger to go into 'inoperative' mode. This will turn the LED lights off and will prevent drivers from using the charger until it is placed back into 'operative' mode.
3. Billing and Access
Please visit our Billing guide to set your chargers up with appropriate costs.
Please visit our Access guide to set the rules around who may access your charger.
Remember to add both plugs to your Billing Profile and Access Pool!
Once the charger has been allocated, configured, and set up with any desired costs/access rules, it is ready for use!
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