The Groups module enables the user to create groups of chargers for ###controls###, ##Reporting and ###Dashboard###, although other groupings defined elsewhere in ZEFNET can also be viewed and edited here (including breaker configuration, ###Billing### groups, Access### groups, and more).
To create/edit a 'Reporting' group (Controls, Reports or Dashboards):
1. Click the icon, select Group, and give the group a name.
2. Locate the group in the Groups list, and double click on it to enter the group page.
3. Click the icon again to either add plugs to the group, or to create a subgroup.
4. If adding plugs, click the checkbox to the left of each plug that should be added to the group. You can use the filter box to quickly locate plugs by their name or serial number.
5. Click 'Save' and confirm that the plug(s) now appear on the group page.
6. You can remove a plug by selecting the plug(s) from the group page and clicking the icon.
Note: a charger may be assigned to multiple groups.
You should now be able to assign controls to these groups in the Controls module, or run reports on this group in the Dashboard and Reporting modules.
To view/edit other pre-defined ZEFNET configurations:
Select the 'Lists' icon in the upper right hand corner, as pictured below, and select the desired group:
Topology Groups - a list of all breakers , DCFC chargers , and L2 plugs assigned to your organization. You can double-click on a breaker to view all the L2 plugs assigned to that breaker, and can edit this breaker configuration by removing or adding L2 plugs.
Note: edits to a breaker configuration take effect immediately - make sure this configuration is accurate to avoid service interruption from breakers tripping or needlessly curtailing your charger's power.
Account Groups - a list of all Site Names (Customers ), mobile users (Employees ), and RFID cards (Identity Cards ). Items can be added from this menu or in the ###Access### module, but cannot be grouped here.
Billing Groups - a list of all Billing Profiles as defined in the ###Billing### module (Commercial License), or Time of Use Groups as defined in the ###Metrology### module (Residential License). You can double click on a billing profile to view all chargers that have been assigned to that profile, and can add or remove them with the and icons.
Access Groups - a list of Access Pools as defined in the ###Access### module, and Share Groups (see Sharing to view how to use ZEFNET Connect to share chargers between organizations in ZEFNET). You can double click into an Access Pool or Share Group to view all chargers assigned to that group, and can add or remove them with the and icons.
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